

灵活应对不断变化的需求,在压力下保持精确:这是 PräziTec Haustein GmbH 公司的指导思想。这家位于博登湖畔 Tettnang 的金属加工公司为各行各业的客户进行车削、铣削、磨削和多任务加工。

2018 6 月,该公司采用了 HWR Workholding INOFlex® 4 爪卡盘,用于同心和补偿夹持工件。该产品在精度和灵活性方面都满足了PräziTec的严格要求。


1995 年,安德烈亚斯(Andreas)和迈克尔-豪斯坦(Michael Haustein)兄弟与其父亲霍斯特(Horst)在博登湖畔的腓特烈港创建了 PräziTec。他们的第一批客户包括世界第二大汽车供应商采埃孚公司(ZF Friedrichshafen)和劳斯莱斯动力系统公司(Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG)旗下的 MTU 公司。其他知名机械制造公司也在一开始为 PräziTec 提供支持,以抵消产能高峰。由于地理位置相近,因此物流也很容易管理。

公司的快速发展增加了对更多新机器的需求,同时也需要更多的空间。公司成立两年后,豪斯坦一家搬到了附近的泰特南(Tettnang)。10 年后的 2007 年,公司又增加了一个新的生产车间,从而实现了进一步发展。

与此同时,这家家族企业的固定客户也变得更加多样化。例如,生产的高精度零件被用于车辆和多用途车辆制造、机械工程、医疗技术和航空领域。PräziTec 通常使用铸铁、钢、不锈钢和铝。可批量生产直径达 220 毫米的零件,批量可达 150,000 件。该公司还生产批量为 1 150 件的大型零件。

据公司总经理 Andreas Haustein 介绍,公司一流的技术设备具有独特的优势,可在 65 1200 毫米直径范围内进行广泛的生产。


PräziTec 一直秉承确保机床、刀具和夹具之间高度兼容的理念,以确保高度灵活的操作。


几乎无所不能的卡盘:INOFLEX VL120

HWR INOFlex® VL120 卡盘在 PräziTec 的业务中发挥着重要作用。这款获得专利的多功能卡盘直径为 1,150 mm,能够可靠地固定直径从 160 mm 1,200 mm的圆形、矩形和几何形状不规则的工件。这种能力是市场上其他夹具所不具备的,PräziTec 对这种能力深有体会,尤其是在方坯上车削圆形工件时。

"自去年购买以来,该夹钳几乎一直在使用。有了它,我们可以加工 85% 90% 的大型部件"Haustein 先生说。"INOFlex® 实际上取代了我们的钳子。我们可以用卡盘直接夹紧工件,否则这些工件只能通过夹具加工。

四爪定心夹具是与一台新的多任务加工中心(Hermle C62 MT)一起购置的,后者是 PräziTec 目前最大的机床。Haustein先生在评估这台机床时,看到它与INOFlex® VL120卡盘一起工作,这种组合给他留下了深刻印象。

Präzitec - 全面采用精密技术


豪斯坦先生解释说:"测量结果很快就会被周围环境所扭曲""这就是为什么我们有一个配备蔡司 CNC 3D 坐标测量仪的测量室,该测量仪带有扫描功能。即使是高达 1,200 mm的大型部件,我们也能以更加精确的方式进行检测"。他这样描述这些对质量保证起着决定性作用的仪器的优点。"因此,我们可以处理高达 H5 的公差"



有了 INOZet®,豪斯坦家族就拥有了一张真正的王牌,尤其是在加工易变形和异形工件时。HWR Spanntechnik 的专利桥摆 INOFlex® 卡盘和数控加工中心集成在一起 - Andreas Haustein 不会后悔这项投资。特别是在加工薄壁、圆形工件时,他非常欣赏桥摆的优势。


INOZet® 桥摆也证明了其耐用性和可靠性。正如 Andreas Haustein 所强调的那样,摆锤机构具有防污保护,并且可以快速轻松地进行清洁: 他解释说:"只需清洁支撑点即可"。这样摆杆螺栓就能得到最佳保护,避免因灰尘引起的磨损。该系统消除了长期购置无数定制夹爪的需要,因为与一套标准夹爪一起,INOZet®-桥摆覆盖了整个夹紧范围,并且可以随时以低成本进行改装。

机床操作员托马斯-瓦尔特(Thomas Walther)也很清楚自己工作场所的设备有多好: 他总结说:"带有大卡盘和桥摆的机器 - 这使我们处于完全不同的地位"

Almost Continuously in Operation

Flexible enough to meet changing demands and precise under pressure: this the guiding philosophy of PräziTec Haustein GmbH. The metal processing company from Tettnang on Lake Constance performs turning, milling, grinding and multi-task processing on a wide variety of parts for customers spanning a diverse range of industries.

In June 2018, the company implemented HWR Workholdings INOFlex® 4-jaw-chuck for concentrically and compensating clamping of workpieces. The product has met PräziTecs exacting requirements, both in terms of precision and flexibility.


In 1995, brothers Andreas and Michael Haustein, together with their father Horst, founded PräziTec in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. Their first customers included ZF Friedrichshafen, the worlds second largest automobile supplier, and MTU, a part of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG. Other well-known mechanical engineering companies supported PräziTec at the beginning in offsetting capacity peaks. Geographical proximity kept the logistics manageable.

Rapid growth increased the demand for more new machines, on the company needed additional space. The Hausteins moved to nearby Tettnang two years after the firm was founded. Ten years later, in 2007, the addition of a new manufacturing bay enabled further growth.

In the meantime, the regular customers of the family-run company have become more diversified. The high-precision manufactured parts are used, for instance, in vehicle and utility vehicle construction, mechanical engineering, medical technology and aviation. PräziTec routinely works with cast iron, steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Production parts up to 220 mm in diameter can be produced in batches of up to 150,000 pcs. The company also produces large parts in batch sizes ranging from 1 to 150.

According to Managing Director Andreas Haustein, the companys first-class technical equipment provides a unique advantage, enabling a broad manufacturing range between 65 and 1,200 mm diameters.

We have machines which hardly any supplier has, allowing us to take perform a wide variety of metal-cutting processes something our customers very much appreciate, says Mr. Haustein.

PräziTec has always followed the philosophy of ensuring  a high level of compatibility between its machines, tools and clamps to ensure highly flexible operations.

We can very efficiently turn, mill and drill highly complex parts on our multi-task machines, all in one clamping operation, he explains. Unproductive set-up times rarely exist.


The INOFlex® VL120 chuck from HWR plays a major role in PräziTecs operations. Measuring 1,150 mm in diameter, the patented all-purpose clamp reliably secures round, rectangular and geometrically misshaped workpieces from 160 to 1,200 mm diameters. This ability which no other clamp on the market offers is something that PräziTec has learned to appreciate, particularly when turning a round component on a square blank.

The clamp has been almost continuously in service since it was bought last year. With it, we cover 85% to 90% of the large parts, says Mr. Haustein. INOFlex® has practically replaced a vice for us. We can directly clamp components with the chuck which otherwise would have been machined by way of a fixture.

The 4-jaw centering clamp was acquired together with a new multi-task machining centre, a Hermle C62 MT, which is now the largest machine at PräziTec. When Mr. Haustein was evaluating the machine, he saw it operating with the INOFlex® VL120 chuck a combination that impressed him.


When it comes to precision, PräziTec places exacting demands on its equipment, as can be seen by glancing into the companys manufacturing bay. The modern multi-task machines have a measuring function which determines the quality of the workpiece during machining. But this alone is not good enough for the Hausteins.

The findings can be quickly distorted by surrounding conditions, explains Mr. Haustein. That is why we have a measurement chamber with a ZEISS CNC 3D-coordinate measurer complete with scanning. It allows us to examine even large components, up to 1,200 mm, in a much more precise manner.This is how he describes the benefits of the instruments which contribute decisively to quality assurance. As such, we can handle tolerances up to H5.

We want our stock of machines to be state-of-the-art at all times, says Mr. Haustein. This is the only way the company can ensure consistent high product quality, given the enormous diversity of part sizes, shapes and materials.


With INOZet®, the Hausteins have a true ace up their sleeves, especially when it comes to machining deformation-susceptible and misshaped components. The patented pendulum bridges from HWR Spanntechnik have been integrated with the INOFlex® chuck and the CNC machining centre an investment which Andreas Haustein is not likely to regret. In particular, when machining thin-walled, round workpieces, he appreciates the advantages of the pendulum bridges.

We use them mainly for flange-like components, says Mr. Haustein. Doubling the clamping points from four to eight makes a decisive difference. The improved distribution of clamping force and shortening of the exposed gaps results in a marked reduction of component deformation. As a result, the company is able to produce first-class parts with immaculate concentricity.

The INOZet® pendulum bridges have also proved durable and reliable. The pendulum mechanism is protected against dirt and can be cleaned quickly and easily, as Andreas Haustein emphasises: All you need is to clean the supporting points, he explains. The pendulum bolts are then optimally protected from dirt-induced wear. The system eliminates the need to acquire innumerable customized clamping jaws over the long-term, as together with a set of standard clamping jaws the INOZet®-pendulum bridges cover the entire clamping range and can be retrofitted at low cost at any time.

Machine operator Thomas Walther is also aware of how well his workplace is equipped: The machine with the large chuck and the pendulum bridges this puts us in a completely different league, he concludes.



创建时间:2024-12-13 14:53
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